Create a Dynamic Greeting Label for Users

In this guide, you’ll learn how to implement a label that dynamically changes based on the time of day and incorporates the user’s first name for a personalised touch

//This is the code added to the label

    conHour: Value(Text(Now(),"hh"))

If(conHour>=0&&conHour<5,"Good night, ",
If(conHour>=5&&conHour<12,"Good morning, ",
If(conHour>=12&&conHour<18,"Good afternoon, ",
If(conHour>=18&&conHour<24,"Good evening, ",""))))


            User().FullName," "),


Code explanation:

  1. The first part of the code is used to generate a greeting based on the current time. Here’s what it does:
    • The With function is used to create a temporary variable called conHour, which is set to the current hour of the day using the Now() function and the Text() function to format it as a two-digit number.
    • The If function is then used to check the value of conHour and generate a greeting based on the time of day:
      • If the hour is between 0 (midnight) and 5am, the greeting will be “Good night, “
      • If the hour is between 5am and 12pm, the greeting will be “Good morning, “
      • If the hour is between 12pm and 6pm, the greeting will be “Good afternoon, “
      • If the hour is between 6pm and midnight, the greeting will be “Good evening, “
      • If none of the above conditions are met, no greeting will be displayed (an empty string).
    • The & operator is used to concatenate the greeting with the result of the second part of the code.
  2. The second part of the code is used to extract the first name from the user’s full name. Here’s what it does:
    • The First function is used to extract the first item from the result of the ForAll function.
    • The ForAll function is used to loop through each word in the user’s full name (which is obtained using the User().FullName function) and create a new record with a field called Result that contains the value of the current word.
    • The Split function is used to split the full name into an array of words based on the space character.
    • The ThisRecord function is used to refer to the current record being created by the ForAll function.
    • The .Value property is used to get the value of the Result field for the current record.

Overall, this code is used to generate a personalised greeting for the user based on the current time of day and their first name.

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