Free Microsoft 365 Developer Environment

A common misconception about Microsoft Tech is that it is either expensive or exclusive, requiring some sort of connection or enrollment in a Microsoft accredited institution. Fortunately, that is no longer the case. If you are a budding developer, you can hone your skills for free in a full-featured Microsoft 365 sandbox environment. You can […]

Power Automate: Adding Image from a URL to Image Column using SharePoint HTTP Request Connector

Power Automate don’t support yet direct upload of image to a SharePoint Image list. This does not upload the image to your SharePoint list but ONLY LINKS IT. If the image from the URL is removed, it will be displayed as an error. HEADER PROPERTY VALUE content-type application/json; odata=verbose; accept application/json; odata=verbose; X-HTTP-Method MERGE IF-MATCH […]

Exam AZ-900

Today, I have less than 30 hours to review what I have learned about Azure Fundamentals over the last few weeks. Maybe I’ll update it later, maybe not. The following are the resources I used to study for the AZ-900 exam. The exam costs USD$ 50 normally, but if you attend a Microsoft Virtual Training, […]

console.log(`Hello World`);

Hello there, stranger. Welcome to BisTek space! 🤗 Glad you found my space in the web. I’ve decided to start putting my thoughts and skills into words to probably remember them later. I thought of finding a grandiose reason, but, nah, I’m doing this for the future-me who needs to look back on stuff that […]